What is CMA?
Headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground-South, Maryland, the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity assesses and destroys recovered chemical warfare materiel in the United States. The CMA Recovered Chemical Materiel Directorate provides centralized management and direction to the Department of Defense for the assessment and destruction of recovered chemical warfare materiel in a safe and environmentally compliant manner.
The CMA director serves as the treaty implementing agent, delegated by the Department of Defense, to ensure the Army adheres to international treaty requirements in compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention treaty. The CMA Center for Treaty Implementation and Compliance manages implementation and compliance activities.
The activity stored and destroyed the nation’s chemical stockpile at seven locations, and stored the stockpiles at the final two locations, Pueblo Chemical Depot, Colorado, and Blue Grass Army Depot, Kentucky. The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant completed destruction operations on June 22, 2023, and the Blue Grass Chemical-Agent Destruction Pilot Plant completed destruction operations on July 7, 2023. To learn more about the chemical weapons destruction missions in Colorado and Kentucky, visit www.peoacwa.army.mil. See below to learn more about the entire U.S. chemical stockpile destruction mission.
The Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program worked closely with state and local governments and the Federal Emergency Management Agency to educate, prepare and protect communities surrounding the stockpile sites. CSEPP will continue to support both communities until the site closure process is complete and all recoverable chemical agent has been destroyed.